SCRiM: a transdisciplinary research network for Sustainable Climate Risk Management


SCRiM linked a transdisciplinary team of 112 scholars across 9 research istitutions and an additional 50 collaborators and affiliates. Many of the partnerships built during the course of the project still flourish and result in work that continues to further the original goals of the network.
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Summer School

As a central part of its educational and research mission, SCRiM hosted seven summer schools that trained 236 early-career researchers and practitioners, across 112 institutions and 15 countries, in concepts, methods, and tools for analyzing and designing climate risk management strategies
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SCRiM produced and distributed open-source tools (e.g. how to identify robust strategies in the face of uncertainties) and teaching materials (e.g. a free textbook on risk analysis), in addition to 174 publications.
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